"The Department of Pharmacology"- We turn your ideas into reality.
Pharmacology is one of the major subjects in Dentistry. This department takes care of academic as well as research activities. The department believes in “3E” concept- Educate, Experience, Excel. The department contains both academic and research faculties. We have carried out many short term projects and all these are translated to Publication in reputed peer reviewed International Journals. We constantly motivate our students to participate and present scientific papers in various National and International Conferences. In addition to teaching, part time and full time PhD scholars are also contributing towards research in the department.
Our department is also involved in conducting seminars, international webinars, workshops and conferences based on the recent trends in research and serves as a platform in augmenting the staff and student community to update their knowledge. Our department was also honoured with the Best Department Award for the year 2016-2017 by SIMATS.
Interactive teaching routes
Innovative and efficient teaching strategies
Mentor-Mentee system for improved learning
Funded research grants worth over one crore
Grants from both Indian and International funders
Two new grants for this academic year
40 plus International collaborations
Consultancy services for over 10 Industrial partners
More than 50 MOU’s signed with Academic and Research sectors
500+ cummulative impact factor for this academic year
Published in "The Lancet"- 79.3 impact factor
Published in more than 100 peer reviewed International journals
What others say about our Department?
Dr. Sheba David Senior Assistant Professor Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Dr. Kamal Dua and Dr.Kylie Williams University of Technology Sydney Australia